Thursday, May 25, 2017

Ashes of Defeat

We went to a worship night this past weekend. It was incredible. It was awesome being in the congregation and just able to worship, not having to think about anything else other than...Jesus. Kho and I lead worship at our church now, so on Sunday mornings as we worship with the congregation,we often are thinking of other aspects(such as the flow of the song, and if the band and vocals are on the same page, and transitions) as well as Jesus.

But on Sunday night we weren't leading worship, and the Lord faithfully fixed my eyes on Him.

The worship team began to sing Resurrecting by Elevation Worship. As I sang the words to this song, the Lord revealed that the words were a declaration of truth for my life.

                                           By Your Spirit I will rise from the ashes of defeat
                                           The resurrected King is resurrecting me


These past months have been ....different. I don't know what other word to use to accurately sum them up. I've wrestled with a lot of things I didn't expect to. For example, missing family members, walking with friends through really tough circumstances, adjusting to being a wife and a stepmom, missing the past and finding it hard to adjust to my new "normal", and the list goes on and on. And honestly, I never thought of myself as defeated, but as I think about it...I think sometimes part of me really did feel defeated. Part of me "mourned" (I know this sounds dramatic, but really) the way things used to be...the simplicity and comfort and ease I was once used to. Life has changed so much for me, which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong.  But the reality is that even good changes can be really difficult to adjust to sometimes. You know what I mean?

So as I sang that bridge with boldness, the Holy Spirit encouraged my spirit. It was as if He were saying Yes Diana, it's been tough. Yes, you've felt defeated, but do not be dismayed. I have not forsaken you. I am very much present in all of this. I will put the pieces back together. I will breathe life into what you thought was dead. You will rise from the ashes of defeat, by My Spirit.

It was so good to be reminded of that. To be reminded that Christ is risen, and because He are we. We are risen with Him. That doesn't mean that life will be peachy keen and butterflies and cupcakes all the time, but it means we have a hope. A hope that is an anchor for our soul (Heb 6:19), a hope in the One who laid His life down in obedience to the Father, a hope in the One who refines us through trials, a hope in the One who can raise us up by His Spirit from the ashes of defeat.

Praise to Jesus.

Oh, I almost forgot, the line right after those 2 says

                                          In Your name I come alive, to declare your victory
                                          The resurrected King is resurrecting me

He raises us to life, so we can declare His praises.

How has the Lord raised you from the ashes of defeat lately? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

Be encouraged

Oh, this is us...after winning the middle school basketball championship...undefeated all season.  Kho is the defensive coach :)

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