Wednesday, January 3, 2018

God is Kind

Lately God has been teaching me more about His character. He has been showing me that He is kind. Simple enough right? WRONG!lol, I mean conceptually I always knew God to be kind, but I didn't actively think about that attribute of His. I usually think of His faithfulness, steadfast love, or creativity, etc, but not so much His kindness. Now, let me be honest, kind isn't a word I use very often, or one that I even hear very often. Let me explain the contexts I've heard the word kind before.

Kind eyes
I remember when KP and I were dating, and people would tell me that he had "kind eyes". I came to find out that what people meant was that his eyes seemed to define him as a genuine, warm, and honest person. Yes.Yes. and Yes All good things, all good things (did i just quote Olaf?)

"Be kind"
I'm pretty sure I've said this phrase to our little one, and I have  probably heard other parents tell their children this, it's usually accompanied by a lesson on the importance of sharing with others.

So these two contexts generally framed my thoughts regarding the word kind. However, when we talk about kindness as a character quality, it takes on a much deeper meaning. God's kindness is so much more profound than a good-looking pair of eyes and the sharing of a toy. The kindness of God  is fueled by His love -the very essence of who He; and it is unsearchable and is woven through His entire character.
God is kind
God's kindness can be seen in the way He causes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and in the way that He causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. God's kindness can be seen in the way He is slow to anger and plentiful in mercy. God's kindness can be seen when you're having a terrible day and then you hear your favorite song, or get an encouraging text. God's kindness can be seen when you get a life-threatening diagnosis, and He reminds you that He is right there with you. God's kindness can be seen when the pangs of heartbreak ravishes your being, and He gives you the strength to keep going. God's kindness can be seen when the lies become louder and louder, and He reminds you of His truth. God's goodness can be seen in the accomplishing of goals, the restoration of friendships, and seeing snow for the first time IN FLORIDA (yes, this happened). But seriously guys, the reality is that God's kindness can be seen each and everyday.

Don't get me wrong, I know there are seasons, and moments, and circumstances, and situations that make His kindness difficult to see, and can sometimes lead us to question whether He is even kind at all. During these times, its key to be reminded that the greatest image of the kindness of God is Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect life,one marked by kindness is every way. There was no one too dirty, or insignificant, or broken to whom His kindness didn't impact. Jesus died. Perfection became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Herein we have unconditional love and unconditional kindness extended to us, as we place our confidence solely in our risen Savior, Jesus.

Be encouraged, God's kindness is at work in your life. Embrace it. Live it . Reflect it.


How have you seen God's kindness recently, in  either the big things or the seemingly small things? 
*Mine was seeing snow for the first time today...

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