Monday, April 16, 2018

Being Famous

This is one of those blog posts, that I have no idea if I will ever publish.*

You see, if I'm going to be truly honest and transparent with you guys, for a long time I have had the desire to be famous. 

I feel so lame admitting that. 
I feel so lame admitting that. 
I just recently had to come to that reality with  myself as cheesy and corny as it sounds. You see, I've probably never (or very rarely) said the words " I want to be famous", but I've definitely had a desire to have a huge platform, and be in Hollywood and boldly proclaim Jesus and His amazing love. I don't think this is inherently a bad desire, and I still have a passion for proclaiming Truth in an environment that in many ways is so blinded by darkness and deception. In all honesty though, although this was a desire of mine, I never did pursue fame....not for long at least (I was pretty gung-ho about being a Disney Chanel star in middle school..but then again..who wasn't?). Lol.

Lately however, I've found myself in a very interesting place. There's something about being in a place where you're still trying to figure out life; but also being bombarded with images of how everyone is living theirs; and wrestling with yourself (the parts you like and the parts you don't like); and wrestling with thoughts that don't always align with the Truth of God's Word that can truly leave you off kilter. Lately, I've found myself in this place more often than not. Little by little, however, the Lord has been reminding me of one simple truth. He's literally been calling me to Himself. Not to how my life is going to pan out, and not what my future will look like, not any of that. He's simply been calling me to His heart-to the beautiful simplicity of seeking Him for who He is. 
How simple?
How magnificent? 
How captivating?

And you guys want to know something? In light of who He is, all my other desires take their rightful place. In communion with Him, whether or not my platform is "large or small" (according to the world's perspective) doesn't matter one bit. THIS is the place where I find peace. Completely satisfied in God.

Don't get me wrong, It's not bad to hope. It''s not bad to dream. It's not bad to have desires. Just be sure that in all the hoping,dreaming, and don't miss the One who is worthy of it all.

Be encouraged. He's so much greater than anything!

*The post was published..hence the reason you're reading it. 

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