Saturday, July 25, 2015

6 Months Ago...

6 months ago I said ‘yes’. Well, actually I said (in a nervous frenzy) “ I can’t talk about this right now, can I give you an answer later?, I have to go practice”…then about an hour and a half later…I said yes. I said yes and I was so scared.

 In case you guys haven’t already figured out, I am not the most social-media friendly person. I don’t often post things on Facebook, and when I do, it’s usually about God and His awesomeness. I like it that way. It’s safe. God’s goodness never changes-regardless of my circumstances. Thus, I feel safe displaying His wonder to the world, because He is the only one who was, and is, and is to come. He is faithful. He is unchanging.

This year God has definitely been dispelling a lot of “fears” of mine, and has graciously furthered my understanding of the Gospel and His amazing grace towards me.  My relationship with Khory has been no exception. So who is this Khory? Well, hmm…how do I describe him? He is one of the most servant-hearted, kind, and loving young man that I know. *vulnerability alert*. He is VERY different from me in many ways, yet those differences point me toward Christ in such a beautiful way. He is quick to apologize when wrong, and he is gentle, patient, and honest. My favorite thing about Khory, by far, is his humility before the Father. His commitment to wanting to know the will of the Lord, and His obedience to Jesus. He makes me laugh, a lot…and has the utmost appreciation for my weird quirks. All in all though, God has been the true champion in this relationship. These past 6 months have brought some of the most beautiful, but also some of the most painful (more than I have ever expected) moments in my life, so far. But God has used all of these moments- the beautiful, the painful, the mundane, to further and deepen my understanding of who HE is, and the AMAZING love He has towards His children. I understand the grace of God so much more, the amazing power of Christ to transform hearts in a way like no other, and the intimate concern and leading of the Holy Spirit in EVERY area of our lives. Jesus has glorified Himself in this relationship, and that has been my favorite part of this journey so far.

So yeah, is it scary making a blog post about this relationship? OF COURSE! That means not only is there room for error and mistake and failure…but there’s the possibility that you guys will see that. But in all honesty, that’s not such a bad thing. If I can be assured that Christ will be exalted and glorified in the midst of the failures and disappointments, just as much as the accomplishments and rejoicings…why be lead by fear? So, as Khory and I have discussed, whether or not we end up getting married or the relationship ends, may it all be to the glory of God and the fame of His name.

On that note,

Happy 6 monthaversary to my favorite, most handsome dread-head in the whole wide world! I love you dearly, and I pray that we continue to magnify the Lord and exalt His name together. Psalm 34

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