Thursday, May 14, 2015

Just some thoughts

  • I graduated from college almost 2 weeks ago, but it still feels like summer break. I think it'll hit me during the Fall when everyone is starting their first day of classes, and I am not.
  • My internship starts in less than a month and I am super excited. Its amazing to see how God completely shifted my perspective on this opportunity. He reminded me of the woman with the Alabaster box in Matthew 26. She poured the contents of her box, precious spikenard, on the feet of Jesus. The contents of the box could have been sold for one year's worth of wages. My internship is one year, unpaid. This is my alabaster box. Sure, I could be in the work force, but this is my alabaster box, poured out for my Savior. I am honored.
  • KP(boyfriend) met some of my family... 11 of them, at one time. lol. That was...something. He is such a huge blessing in my life. So grateful to God for him.
  • I'm trying to be a better friend. Look out for my phone call. Be patient with me. 
  • I need to be more diligent with reading the Word. 
  • Set and Embrace healthy boundaries in relationships, they are there for a reason. 
  • It's okay to be clingy. When you're clinging to God. We were created for Him and there is nothing that this world could ever offer that could ever satisfy that desire. It is ONLY to the Holy Spirit that we can constantly communicate- 24/7 if needed. He does not get tired, or weary, or slumber. He knows our thoughts from afar off and knows the number of hairs on our head. He is not surprised by our shortcomings or failures or weaknesses. (Psalm 63:8). Cling to Christ
  • God is the only constant. He changes not (Mal 3:6). In Him there is no shadow of turning (James 1:17). 
  • God knows how to communicate with each of His children, uniquely! Listen for His voice, He is speaking!
  • Seek God for who He is. Seek His heart. Never lose the wonder of the Savior Don't get so caught up with your own agenda that you forgot that He, Himself, is enough. Live by that. 

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