Thursday, August 18, 2016

When words fail

I don't know where to start with this post So,I'm guessing the title is fitting "when words fail".

To my readers and dear friends who haven't heard yet, Khory and I got married!! Ahh, almost a month ago, we both committed our lives to serving the Lord together, and serving one another in the way Christ calls us to.

My primary love language is words of affirmation, I love reading blogs in my spare time, and I communicate best through words, yet..I'm speechless. And let's just say I've found myself being "speechless" A LOT during this season. God is gracious. 

If we rewind back to last December, I was on the floor, crying, wanting to disappear, and I was truly convinced that I was crazy (some sort of mental/emotional instability). Between my disobedience, anxiety, fear, and fighting against principalities and powers in high places, I found myself feeling hopeless.

I really wondered how in the world the Lord could make beauty from the apparent ashes I had created. But He did. And He opened my eyes to see that He has been the beauty all along.

Khory and I had our first dance to "Overwhelmed by Big Daddy Weave", and truly that has been the word that has summed up these past couple months for me.
    •  I've been overwhelmed by the unrelenting goodness of God towards me.
    • I've been overwhelmed by the fact that he actually "goes before" me. He really has prepared a way for me to walk in.
    • I've been overwhelmed by his grace..oh His sweet grace
    • I've been overwhelmed at the way He has surrounded my husband and I with a community of believers that love radically
    • I've been overwhelmed that He allowed me to get married to the one whom my soul loves!
    • I've been overwhelmed that He is just so faithful.

And I know that not all of life will "feel"this good. And that's okay, He will overwhelm me with who He is in those seasons as well. Right now though, I just want to resound the words of Paul:

 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

Rejoicing in the Lord,
Diana Proctor

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