Thursday, October 21, 2021

Crooked teeth, Crooked heart


In 2012 I got braces. 

 It was a spur of the moment ,YOLO decision...I don't think that's how YOLO was supposed to work.

 Anywho... Here I am almost a decade later, and I STILL have to wear my retainers. You'd think, after all these years,"wouldn't  your teeth just stay in place?" NOPE! 


Honestly though, I'm not the best at always wearing these retainers. So the other night, I decided I'd wear them. I knew it had been a while since I last did. I plopped them in and they fit like a they always do..or so I thought. 

Later that night I woke up in pain and discomfort. My teeth were shifting! They were getting back in alignment with my retainers. I knew the pain was for my good, but I also knew I could have avoided it had I been CONSISTENT in wearing my retainers. You see, my teeth had shifted out of place..and I didn't even notice. The changes were not yet visible to my naked eye, but they were definitely there.

Similarly, it can be so easy to skimp on intentionally seeking and enjoying the Lord through His word, prayer, and worship. A day goes by, then a week ,then two, and before we know it.-we've shifted. We may not notice it at first, but our worldview, our convictions, our speech, etc..starts becoming less like the Word and more like the world.   I'm speaking from experience here guys. But He is faithful. He's so good and faithful to realign us with His truth as we seek His face. 

I encourage you to spend time with Jesus today, and tomorrow, and the day after that. Because "real talk": we can live with crooked teeth, but a crooked heart and spirit holds eternal significance.

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