Monday, October 13, 2014


So, for all of you who know me, you are well aware that I usually go to sleep pretty early. Tonight however, due to some procrastination (shame on me), I was up later than I normally am. Usually, I just listen to my instrumental station on Pandora while working, but tonight I did something different. I decided to pop in the DVD for the ONE movie I have in my apartment. Anyone knows what it is? If you guessed "The Lion King" you're soo correct! One of my all-time favorite movies. I know the lines and songs..and all. and I think Simba is just totally adorable!

After submitting my assignment, I decided that I wanted to google to see if I could EVER make it to a live performance for the Lion King. To my surprise, the show is touring and will be in Fort Lauderdale in January. YAYYY!! As per usual, the website contained a link about the cast members, and it was on this page that God lead me to one of the biggest encouragements ever!

So, here's the scoop guys: I graduate in 7 months, and I am going to pursue something that has very little to do with my major. Yup, I'm going to pursue Acting. As mind-blowing as it sounds, God has really just been gently encouraging me in that direction. That being said...I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT LOOKS LIKE! I mean, I haven't been in a play in over a year, and I haven't been actively working on honing my craft.

But, back to present day....

While on the cast page, I see that the female who is playing NALA (Chantel Riley) wrote about Jesus in her mini cast profile. That sent me on an internet hunt for her. I finally found her on Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram. Here is a video I found on Youtube about her story..

In short..she was working a typical 9-5; singing at church; and waiting on the Lord. Her friend tells her about Lion King auditions and she attends...and she gets cast for the role of Nala! WOW. Literally God blew my mind with her story! I always joke about wanting to be Nala. Let's just say God has a VERY unique way of communicating with His children.

The Lord used her story to encourage me to keep trusting Him with the desires and gifts He has given me. I have a list of goals that I am working towards in order to better develop my skills so that when the opportunity arises or when God says 'Go', I'll be ready to deliver and glorify His name.

Proverbs 3:5-6
 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths

Be encouraged!DREAM BIG because God IS BIGGER!Trust in the Lord! He who calls you, is faithful :)

Until next time,


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