Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Feeling like Peter

What do you do when you take a step of faith and then shortly after become overwhelmed by the reality of that decision?

Maybe you finally muster the strength to ask him/her out...and now you have to actually make it to the first date.

Or maybe you finally walk away from that toxic relationship,  but now you wonder if you made the right decision.

Or maybe you accept the new job, but now you wonder if that was the right move for you and your family. 

Or maybe you start that new business (or  youtube channel), and then become scared that you have to actually sustain it. 

So yeah, maybe that last one was a little more specific to me, but I think you all get the point. 

In Matthew 14 we get a picture of what it looks like to step out in faith, and after become afraid and begin to sink. 

So let me set the stage: Jesus' disciples were on the boat heading to the other side of the sea after having served the multitudes. Jesus wasn't on the boat with them. It was now between 3am and 6am  and the disciples saw a figure walking on the water. They become scared and say amongst themselves, "it is a spirit". But Jesus responded saying 'it's me. Dont be afraid'.  After hearing it was Jesus, Peter asked Jesus to let him come out on the waves (which were pretty choppy at the time). Jesus bid him 'Come"(dont I sound fancy using the word 'bid'?). So Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk  on the water towards Jesus. However, after seeing the wind he became frightened and began to sink. He cried out, "Lord save me" and Jesus did just that. 

So guys, if I'm honest with you, I'm feeling pretty much like Peter right now. I made this whole first YouTube video talking about "DO IT SCARED" and then I began to sink: sink into fear, sink into defeat, sink into the thought of failure. "What if I run out of content?" "What if its not sustainable?" "What if I cant be consistent?" "What if (insert negative possibility)". You get the picture.  Add those thoughts to my own lack of consistency when it comes to the world of social media, and you have a nice pot of self-defeating stew. 

This morning, in the fourth watch of the night (a little after 3 am) the Lord so graciously reminded me of Peter. I feel a lot like him right now. But the reality is that all he had to do was cry out to Jesus for help.  Jesus was there all along,  it was Peter who took his eyes off Jesus and instead focused on the surrounding  circumstances. So, if you find yourself "sinking" after walking out on the water,I encourage you to cry out for help. Jesus won't  leave you flailing in the water for dear life. He is so faithful to rescue. 

Be encouraged "He who calls you is faithful, He will surely do it". 1 Thessanonians 5:24

With love,


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